Elshaddai Charitable Trust

About The Company

Mission & Vision

DotDev Technology provides bare metal servers to businesses and enterprises. A bare metal server is a physical server dedicated to a single tenant, allowing the tenant to have complete control over the server’s resources and the flexibility to choose their own operating system. With a bare metal server, the tenant can avoid the “noisy neighbor” challenges of shared infrastructure and finely tune hardware and software for specific, often data-intensive, workloads. The server’s resources are optimized for the unique workloads of the tenant, providing a higher level of privacy and security. The physical separation between machines isolates them from other network components and frees them, resulting in stable and reliable performance. Bare metal servers are an integral part of the gaming industry, as well as the aviation, finance, and online media industry verticals
success stories
success stories

About The Company

Elevate your business to new heights with Dotdev's cutting-edge cloud computing solutions.